The Union Flag or Union Jack
To celebrate June 2 1953: Queen Elizabeth II was crowned at a coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey in London.
When King James VI of Scotland ascended to the English throne, thereby becoming James I of England, the national flags of England and Scotland on land continued to be, respectively, the red St George's cross and the white St Andrew's cross.
Confusion arose, however, as to what flag would be appropriate at sea. On 12 April 1606 a proclamation was issued:
Although the original design referred to has been lost, it is presumed that it was the flag which, with the addition of the St Patrick's cross, forms the basic design of the British Union Flag today. It is also interesting to note that the new flag was not universally popular nor accepted. The English were not overly pleased at the obscuring of the white field of the St George's flag. The Scots, with more justification, were upset at the fact that the red cross was laid over the white.
This answer was based upon a Minute by Garter, King of Arms:
"There is no Flag in existence answering to this general description. Civilians generally are not authorised to fly or display any Flag. Peers and gentlemen entitled to bear Arms have a right to fly from their Castles or residences a banner of their Arms. The Royal Standard appertains to the Sovereign alone. The Union Flag of the United Kingdom is used by authority throughout the Army and Navy, and the State Departments, usually with some modification or addition by way of distinction. The Union Flag, being the National Flag, appertains to the Nation as a whole, and cannot be considered as specially distinctive of individuals, or groups of individuals. The common practice on occasions of national rejoicing of displaying the Royal Standard and the Union Flag indiscriminately with other Flags must be regarded as an attempt to express loyalty by means of decoration. As to Public Buildings, Schools, etc - State Buildings should fly the Union Flag. Schools etc., should fly the Flag displaying their proper Arms. Municipal Buildings should fly a banner of the Arms of the particular Corporate body. The issue of a Royal Warrant touching this matter would, in my opinion, be inexpedient. Sir Arthur W. Woods."
Burning flags in protests:
In my humble opinion, if people want to burn flags as an expression of outrage, then they will do it law or no law, and legislation is pointless. Mr Ghaffur should well have known that the police could and would not be able to stop it. The mere fact of arresting a flag burner may well be the spark that turns a relatively peaceful protest into a riot. We should not be offended if someone chooses to burn our flag in public; if we are offended the flag burner has achieved exactly what he/she set out to do !
I am relieved that Mr. Gaffur resigned from the Metropolitan Police in 2008, albeit in controversial circumstances, and his daft suggestion appears to have been forgotten.
The gentlemen below protesting about Salman Rushdie some years ago probably never knew they were not burning the Union Flag at all, their local flag maker being far too careless.
Get it the right way up !
Finally, as an aside connected to the Coronation, and because I have a blog reader with a Sherwood Forester interest:
On June 2 1953 my father led the contingent from the 5th Battalion The Sherwood Foresters at the Coronation Parade in London, and here is a photo of the contingent, presumably taken at the Drill Hall at Becket Street, Derby. It is alleged that as a 2 year old I watched the parade on my family's first TV, specially acquired for the event, and was so terrified by the experience I hid under a table.
Thank you to my friend Birte in Munich, she sent me this equally charming photograph, from her collection, of 3 children who managed to get the flag the right way up !

So that's why Mr Brown looks so glum! ;-)
ReplyDeleteJust wait another few days and see how glum he looks !
ReplyDeleteCheck out my tribute to the fag: